Digital Storytelling Rubric 2024
Digital Storytelling Rubric © 2024 by Melody Buckner is licensed under CC BY 4.0
ETC 567 - Technology, Society and Education
Dr. Hong Zhan
Course Description​ - This course is deisgned to help educators indetify and examine educational and cultural issues associated with technology. It will provide historical, political, social and cultural critiques of technology within the context of teaching and learning. The designed is based on constructionist and constructivist theories of learning based on the concept that humans are innately social and creative. It is through this lens that powerful doors to understanding how we learn are opened.
Learning Objectives - Construct knowledge of human learning through constructivist theory, apply this knowledge to your work, generate an online learning community and environment and create a meaningful product to demonstrate knowledge of these objectives.

My Learning Objects:
A Meaningful Product
and a Sample of Reaction Papers
I took this course in the spring of 2005. It was my first introduction to the theory of constructivism. Below is a desciption of my meaningful product and a sample of some reaction papers I wrote. Unfortunately, I do not have these in electronic form, but do have paper copies of the work.
The Meaningful Product - I created my first online modules in WebCT, the learning management system (LMS) in place at the time of the course. The ideas was to construct several modules teaching students how to navigate through the LMS. The reason I chose this topic was out of a need. At the time, I was an online student and very frustrated with the lack of information on how to operate the LMS. To read the proposal, select the Meaningful Product link under My Learning Objects. I am not able to show this artifact as WebCT is no longer available. However, I did create a module very similiar to this one in Desire2Learn (D2L - the LMS at the University of Arizona).
Sample of Reation Papers -
Practical Constructionism
Supporting Theories of Open-Ended Learning Environments
The Journey of Teaching with Technology
Discovering Flow in Everyday Life
Technology in a Constructionist Classroom
Changing Learning Environments to Foster Lifelong Learning