Digital Storytelling Rubric 2024
Digital Storytelling Rubric © 2024 by Melody Buckner is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Melody Buckner
University of Arizona
College of Education
Teaching, Learning & Socioculture Studies
Language, Reading and Culture (LRC)

Scroll down to page to access the
links to course information
Associate Vice Provost of Digital Learning and Online Initiatives for University Center for Assessment, Teaching, and Technology (UCATT) at University of Arizona
Dean of UA South (branch campus at University of Arizona)
Senior Director of Digital Learning and Online Education at the University of Arizona
Bachelor's of Design Science in College of Architecture from Arizona State University
Master's in Education Technology from Northern Arizona University
PhD in Language, Reading and Culture from the Department of Teaching, Learning and Socioculture at the University of Arizona
This site is a landing page to demonstrate my learning outcomes for the coursework conducted in my PhD program at the University of Arizona.
Below are all of the courses I have completed along with artifacts supporting my learning.
The integration of Web 2.0 technologies in teaching and learning practices
The role of narrative, multimedia, immersive virtual environments, simulation, and instructional games for motivation and assessment of learning
Quality standards for online courses both in development and delivery
Assessment of learning outcomes with the use of emerging technologies
The role of social justice within the context of multicultural education
Links to Courses
Located on each course page is:
the course description
the syllabus
the learning objectives
my personal reflection
examples of work produced